The trailer suction hopper dredger, Waterway (see photograph) is carrying out the first phase of a £12 million project to deepen and widen access to the Shetland port and reclaim land for new development opportunities.
The Waterway is seen connected to a floating pipeline at North Greenhead and pumping material ashore to the reclamation site. The workboat, Forth Sentinel, provides support, such as connecting the floating pipeline and moving navigation buoys.
The back-hoe dredger, Manu Pekka, arrived ahead of schedule this week and will soon start to remove rock, including rock to be pre-blasted by a drill-and-blast barge which will also operate this summer. Almost 490,000 cubic metres of good quality materials will be removed by Westminster Dredging Company as part of the port’s largest capital project yet which will bring significant benefits for the fishing and oil industries, as well as other port users.