Sail Training Shetland is pleased to announce that fourteen young people, between the ages of 15-25 years old will have the opportunity to take part in The Tall Ships Races 2010.

Trainee places will be available onboard the Swan and Christian Radich during The Tall Ships Races between Kristiansand, Norway and Hartlepool, UK in August.

Grant funding and sponsorship has been received from The People’s Postcode Lottery, Lerwick Building Centre, DH Marine, Ocean Kinetics, Lerwick Port Authority and Shetland Island Council. Associate sponsors and supporters are Lerwick Community Council, the Merchant Navy Association of Shetland, Ian Manson (Bletty) Memorial Trust and NorthLink Ferries Ltd.

Peter Malcolmson, Chairman of Sail Training Shetland said “We hope to encourage as many young people to apply for the opportunity to take part in The Tall Ships Races, information and application forms are now available from and we look forward to receiving applications before the closing date of Friday 7th May.”

Notes :

Sail Training Shetland is a registered Scottish Charity (No. SC041182) and collaboration between The Swan Trust, Lerwick Port Authority and Shetland Tall Ships 2011 Ltd. The objective of sail training is to further the development and education of young people between the ages of 15 and 25 through the adventure, challenge and experience of Sail Training. For further information on Sail Training, please visit and

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